It's the beginning of a new week and for some a day off from work. It can also be a time of reflection about where our country has come from, where it is now and what we hope to see in the future.
I was a child in the 60's but I remember the times when our country mourned for leaders who were stolen from us before they had time to complete their work. A loss of life and leadership that could not be replaced. I had hoped that when my children came along there would be a better world for them to grow up in. But, they too, have had to grow into adulthood with turbulence and injustice in their world. Will it be that way for my grandchildren someday and yours? I wonder. I pray not but the answer is probably...yes it will.
Today, let's try to be a little wiser, maybe even a little kinder with the people in the world around us. You never know it might brighten someone else's day.