Thursday, March 14, 2019

Shamrocks, Dancers and Authors

Authors & Dancers
Against Cancer

It's hard to believe but Authors & Dancers Against Cancer is happening this weekend. Saturday, March 16 in Perrysburg, Ohio, you can join in all the fun. I'll be there along with dozens of other wonderful authors and their books. There will be raffle baskets and most authors have a giveaway at their table as well. Proceeds go to Dancers Against Dancers.

I hope to see you all there. 


Saturday, March 2, 2019

Well, here's to hoping that spring is around the corner. We're supposed to receive snow again tomorrow, but maybe that will be the last one for this winter season.

Can you believe that Daylight Saving Time starts next weekend. What's up with that? I'm just not ready for that change again. It plays havoc with my system for about a week until I get used to it. I guess I'm getting old.

I've been working on the next Pinkerton Man book. It's titled Aces Up and will bring a mystery of course, but also the additional of Michael O'Brien as Stiles lover and possibly a new agent? Guess you'll just have to wait and see. Hoping to have Stiles, Lizzie and Michael in their new adventure to you late May, early June.

Don't forget that you'll be able to catch up with me at Authors and Dancers Against Cancer on March 16 in Perrysburg, OH. This book event is in support of a wonderful charity. On Friday evening, March 15 their will be a free recital (donations accepted) by the dance group Dancers Against Cancer. Please check out their website here Dancers Against Cancer

After, this book event, I'm taking a two week get-a-way trip to Tennessee to spend time with my daughter and my parents. I'll be writing of course and I'll be spending time in my wonderful Smoky Mountains to refuel myself. 

Hope your spring is blooming with sunshine, flowers, and good times.