Tuesday, May 8, 2018

What's important to you?

Hello everyone,

It's been almost a month since I last posted and so much has happened. I hardly know where to begin.

I just finished a temporary work assignment that I've been on since mid February. I'm taking a week or two off before I begin another one. No one wants to be in an office this time of year.

Murder in New York the next Pinkerton Man story is finished and with the editor. It has a cover and it's amazing! (Thank you Select-O-Grafix and Kelly Abell) I can't wait for you to see it. 

The blog is closer to being the way I want and I hope to have the first chapter of a free read for you coming this month as well. 

Most importantly, I'm back in my Tennessee home with my daughter and her two new kittens. Adorable doesn't even begin to cover it.

I've been doing a lot of reflecting on my choices lately. Some have gone the way I had hoped, others not so much. Life is such an amazing trip. I don't want to waist a moment of it arguing over who owns a "word" or the decisions heads of state are making. All of it affects me and my family in one way or another but do I want that to be the focal point of my existence? Do you? 

Will I ever understand why this world or the people in it behave the way it does, probably not. But I have to live here and I want my time here to reflect my concern and caring for those around me. 

So, here's to you and yours today, whoever you are. May love and caring show itself to you in some way today. 


1 comment:

  1. Great blog this month CJ. Thank you. Time off is always good for the soul. A little time to reflect on the past, a little time to prepare for the future, and a little time to just be present and enjoy your daughter and the kitties. Thank you for the reminder.
